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The Reading Doctor, Inc.
1903 Ohio Drive
Grove City, OH
614-277-ABCD (2223)



Dr. Karen offers a variety of workshops that are presented at various times throughout the year.

The Reluctant Reader
This workshop will focus on children who are having trouble with reading or spelling and the non-traditional learner. We’ll cover recent brain research, delays that may be creating problems, and blending different approaches. We will make specific suggestions for children with auditory or visual challenges. Bring a notebook!

Finding the Glitch When Kids Won't Write
"But Mom, I HATE to write!" Sound familiar? This workshop will discuss reasons that writing can feel so hard and offer practical solutions behind the latest research. We’ll talk about auditory, visual, and developmental challenges and what to do about them. Bring a notebook!

Spelling You See - The Developmental Stages
Why does my child ace the spelling test and then forget how to spell a word the next week? That’s a common question! We will outline the five developmental stages of spelling and how to assess where your child is. Then we will consider current research on both the brain and memory. Finally we will discuss three core activities that help get correctly spelled words into the long term memory.

Bringing Kids Home...
If you are new to homeschooling, or just considering it, this is the workshop for you! We will talk about the "phases" parents and children go through when they first come home, and then what to expect during the second and third years. Dr. Holinga will help clarify how to determine your current and future goals while staying within the confines of state guidelines.


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